Chemical Industry

Asset Integrity, Availability and Efficiency in Chemical, Petrochemical and Fertilizer Industries

We help chemical plants around the world prevent chemical corrosion, ensure the integrity of their columns and tanks, increase the availability of their vessels and boilers. Also, we help to increase efficiency and cut emissions of their fired heaters.

Having 40-year experience in supporting critical process industries, we provide online corrosion-resistant HVTS® Alloy Cladding, high emissivity coating and online furnace repair Hot-tek™ services all around the globe. Here is how we help our customers maximize their return on assets.

Corrosion Resistant Alloy Cladding in Chemical Columns and Tanks

Pitting corrosion and cracking of pressure vessels are severe problems for chemical and petrochemical plants. We have decades of experience in designing and delivering on-site metal cladding solutions to pressure vessels in the Chemical and Petrochemical industries. We use our HVTS®cladding technology to prevent internal chemical corrosion with the application of a high nobility Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) corrosion barrier. IGS apply a long-term barrier (typically in excess of 10 years), freezing the internal metal condition, reducing future shutdowns and maintenance requirements, and increasing process productivity and availability.

Corrosion-Erosion of the Shell in Chemical Process Vessels

Chemical corrosion/erosion of the shell is a problem for many chemical pressure vessels made of carbon and even stainless steel. Pitting, acid attack, cracking and metal dusting are found frequently in unprotected columns.

Weld overlay cladding is frequently not an option for brownfield applications because of slow application speed and the need for pre- and post-weld heat treatment. Organic coatings are inexpensive but have a limited range of allowed temperatures and environments.

HVTS® Cladding – a Novel Technology for Corrosion Protection

For most design temperatures, HVTS®cladding a carbon-steel vessel can be much more economical than purchasing a high alloy vessel or welded carbon steel vessel. The smart use of internal cladding saves on the capital cost of equipment.

An internal metal alloy upgrade with a highly Corrosion Resistant Alloy provides a long-life corrosion barrier. It stops internal vessel corrosion and wastage of the vessel pressure boundary, enabling asset life extension, increased uptime, and reduced maintenance.

Learn more about IGS experience with preventing corrosion in CO2 strippers

Learn more

Corrosion Protection in Waste Incinerators and Waste Heat Boilers

IGS has a successful experience with protecting waterwalls of ~2.500 boilers over ~40 years. Our expertise includes waste incinerators and waste heat boilers experiencing a high-temperature corrosion attack of sulfide, chlorine, and alkali species.

Learn more about IGS experience with waste to energy and biomass boilers 

How to Improve the Efficiency of a Steam Methane Reformer

Operators see a distinct benefit in treating the refractory surfaces with a high emissivity ceramic coating, increasing the radiant heat transfer inside Steam Methane Reformers. Cetek high emissivity coating increases refractory emissivity, which results in a significant increase in hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, or syngas production at the same process parameters, or fuel savings. Additionally, the ceramic coating encapsulates the fiber refractory, preventing its dusting and reduces NOx and CO2 emissions.

Learn more about IGS solutions for Steam Methane Reformers

How to Maintain a Fired Heater without Shutting it Down

IGS has vast experience in repairs, inspection, and cleaning fireboxes on-line without having to shut down the fired heater. We help chemical and petrochemical Process Engineers across the globe achieve longer run length utilizing Hot-tek™ solutions, including:

refinery assets

IGS Experience in the Chemical Industry

Integrated Global Services, Inc. is the pioneer in the use of Thermal Spray claddings in chemical columns and boilers as well as high emissivity coatings in fired heaters. IGS has completed tens of thousands of square meters of on-site internal vessel applications in critical process equipment over the past two decades.

Having completed so many applications over so many years uniquely positions IGS as the leader in materials, application technology, installation, refurbishment, and operating methods for successful application of our HVTS® claddings in Chemical, Petrochemical and Fertilizer plants. Where others are experimenting with potential solutions, IGS has trusted and proven solutions.

On-Site CRA Cladding

IGS 5000 Series HVTS® cladding creates value for process asset owners and chemical plant operators by ensuring the reliable and predictable performance of their assets. Asset owners and operators, who view the reliability and dependability of their process productivity as mission-critical to their revenue generation, experience the economic benefit of Metalspray® technology. Through our strategically placed operations in the Americas, Europe, Africa, CIS, Middle East, and the Asia Pacific regions, IGS focuses on creating value for our customers globally by ensuring the reliable and dependable performance of their mission-critical assets.

Free consultation with an IGS Subject Matter Expert

IGS is here to provide information, answer questions and create an effective solution for your needs.

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