Integrated Global Services (IGS) are sharing their experience in corrosion mitigation within Oil, Gas and Power industries with the EuroCorr congress delegates. IGS’s technical experts will present several case studies on the use of High Velocity Alloy Cladding/ High Velocity Thermal Spray (HVTS).

High Velocity Alloy Cladding

This year’s annual European Corrosion Congress takes place in Spain, in the picturesque and historical Seville, the largest city of the autonomous community of Andalusia. Seville is well-known for its UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Landmarks and cultural charms attracting many tourists, and this time, corrosion specialists.

Seville, Spain

IGS at EuroCorr

IGS’s industry experts will present two presentations on the topic of corrosion mitigation in Oil & Gas and Power industries. At an exhibition stand, they will be on hand to answer any questions and discuss recent projects.

As a turnkey maintenance solutions provider, IGS is involved in every stage of the process. From material development and its adaptation to the needs of the asset owner, to the application and inspection. This level of involvement promotes application consistency around the globe, rarely found today.

Preventing the Replacement of Critical Process Vessels Suffering from SSC & HIC

IGS’s first paper presentation focuses on Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) and Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC). Wet H2S corrosion can be a particularly dangerous form of corrosion because damage caused by it takes place on the interior of vessels. It can occur without warning and can only be detected using complicated inspection methods.

Stress Corrosion Cracking

This paper focuses on the case history of a major, critical process vessel, a de-ethanizer column built in 1975 at a large gas processing facility. This vessel was suffering from SSC & HIC due to poorly executed PWHT (Post Weld Heat Treatment) and the surface protection technology applied at the time.

Colin Bateman, Oil and Gas Maintenance Expert

Colin Bateman, the author of this paper, commented: “This paper covers the investigation and analysis of the existing corrosion damage, the identification of potential solutions, selection and application of the internal surface protection system and the ongoing inspections of the column.”

Colin will be delivering this paper on Thursday, after 10:00 in Andalucia 4.

High Velocity Thermal Spray at a Coal Power Plant in Spain

IGS’s second paper focuses on boiler maintenance. One of the most critical issues in boiler’s reliable operation is the erosion/corrosion of the pressurized tubes inside the boiler.

Boiler Waterwall Metal Wastage

After years in service, various operating parameters evolve from the initial design data. Typical changes include fuel characteristics, type of fuel, combustion parameters and low NOx burners. These very often lead to unexpected corrosion or erosion.

Cyril Narjoz, IGS Boiler Maintenance Expert

Cyril Narjoz, representing IGS at EuroCorr, said: “In this power plant, initially the boiler was operated at nominal capacity. Within a few years, several parameters have evolved. As a result, it was necessary to quickly replace the tubes and to protect new ones from further thinning. A recently developed technology, consisting of a unique alloy with exceptionally low permeability, was used to protect the boiler tubes for the long term.”

Cyril’s poster presentation will be available at the Congress between Tuesday and Friday.

IGS at EuroCorr: Exhibition

Visit stand 5 to find out more about the content of the above papers and to discuss recent and upcoming projects for major Oil, Gas and Power companies among others.

Not Attending EuroCorr? Register for a Webinar!

If you’re not attending the conference, but would like to know more about on-site alloy cladding upgrade, you are welcome to register for our upcoming webinar:

How to Stop Metal Wastage in Boiler Waterwall – September 11th

This webinar is being presented at different times throughout the day. Select your preferred time slot and learn more about the disruptive nature of HVTS from Iain Hall, IGS Chief Technology Officer.

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