Saudi Aramco and IGS: 10 Years in Partnership to Preserve Asset Integrity

IGS has provided millions of Saudi Riyals value in asset preservation, elimination of forced outages, and reduction of maintenance costs over the past ten years.

Fast Facts

  • IGS has executed over 50 projects and installed close to 3,500M² of IGS HVTS.
  • Projects to date include 3 NGL facilities, five gas plants, four refineries, two petrochemical facilities, and more Aramco plants following suit.
  • IGS’ Surface Technologies are protecting the following equipment: De-Ethanizer Columns, Absorber Columns, Regenerator Columns, Reboiler Vessels, Flash Drums, Fractionator Columns, Heat Exchangers, Sour Water Strippers, Sulphur Recovery Units, Disulfide Separator Drums, and 60” Gas Lines.
  • IGS has partnered with Saudi Aramco CSD and Inspection departments to optimize the quality assurance and inspection procedures.
  • Over ten years, IGS has repaired less than 2% of the total applied IGS HVTS cladding. IGS HVTS cladding can be easily repaired in situ by skilled IGS technicians.
  • IGS HVTS performance is confirmed through inspections in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2022.

saudi aramco igs asset integrity 10 years partnership

IGS Operations Excellence

“With over 50 projects and close to 3,500M² infield HVTS applications at Aramco sites since 2013 during shutdowns and turnarounds, IGS experience is unmatched. In addition, 350+ operational workforce consisting of specialized technicians, team leaders, project managers, safety officers, and QA/QC Supervisors have executed more than 130 HVTS projects in the Middle East since 2007.” said Dennis Snijders, Sr. Regional Director – Middle East and North Africa

The team successfully navigates through the sometimes-unpredictable nature of working in shutdowns and turnarounds and has resource flexibility to augment requirements on a job-by-job basis in real time on short notice.

IGS can mobilize resources for emergent (unplanned) IGS HVTS applications within 24 hours and has the flexibility to maneuver resources, so that standby delays are kept to a bare minimum.

IGS teams are dedicated to providing on-site thermal spray services 365 days per year.

IGS Value Delivered

Reduced inspection and maintenance intervals

Reduced inspection and maintenance interval – Increased production output by forgoing additional inspection outage days.

Lower O&M costs

Reduced inspection, maintenance, and repair costs by upgrading the base metallurgy in the process vessels/drums, which inhibited additional shell metal degradation.

Permanently eliminate metal degradation.

Long-term corrosion barriers for asset preservation by alloying up the base metal shell material to inhibit reactivity with the process stream.

Avoid loss of containment.

Reliable and safe operation by upgrading base material and preservation of shell integrity.

Increased production

Provided risk mitigation to production increases by alloying up the base material with a super alloy that will not react with the current process stream.

Preventative maintenance

With anticipated higher levels of H2S and CO2, the in-situ installation of a metallurgical upgrade makes the equipment future-proof.

Contact us

Learn more about the value IGS can deliver for your plant.

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