Maximize CFB Boiler Availability

Improve CFB Boiler reliability with High Velocity Thermal Spray, the #1 solution for fast, reliable, and effective CFB boiler protection.

IGS HVTS® cladding is ideal for protecting CFB boiler tubes from fireside corrosion and fly ash erosion metal wastage.

Book a Free Technical Evaluation

“I was particularly impressed by the team sent to apply HVTS® to our CFB Boiler. IGS sent the same team of people on each visit which required minimal input from the plant. It made everything easier and we are very pleased with the results.”
– Plant Manager in Utah
cfb boiler

Why Choose IGS?

Integrated Global Services (IGS) is an international provider of surface protection solutions with more than 35 years of experience helping plants improve boiler reliability and plant availability. We are an industry leader in the development and application of engineered solutions to corrosion and erosion problems in challenging operating environments.


Applications by Trained and Certified Teams

Our fully trained technicians, stationed in 15+ countries, perform over 2300 hours of work every year during plant shutdowns and turnarounds.


A Tried and Tested Solution

IGS’ High Velocity Thermal Spray (HVTS) is trusted by thousands of plants worldwide to maximize boiler uptime and reliability


A Systematic Approach to CFB Boiler Reliability

We conduct technical evaluations to capture all boiler-specific information, understand previous failures and maintenance schedules and trends, and perform thickness mapping.


Proven Results

Our team measures, documents, and monitors results to ensure long-term success.

Free consultation with an IGS Subject Matter Expert

IGS is here to provide information, answer questions and create an effective solution for your needs.

Contact us